Updates and Bug Fixes

Hello, everyone! 

This is my game for the Ultimate Mini Game Challenge by BIGA. The state of the game that was submitted unfortunately had a lot of bugs and almost no interesting visuals. So, I am making this post to specify all the issues that were fixed and new stuff added.

Bug Fixes:

  • Whenever the player restarted the game everything got frozen.
  • Input sometimes did not register.
  • Player could press keys and lose life before the song started playing.

New Features:

  • Added arrow keys for controls.
  • Food Level: The food inside Beat's plate gets more or less depending on performance.
  • When Beat bangs his head there is a little screen shake.
  • Kibbles (notes) falling down now have a little visual trail.
  • Whenever the player hits a note, a particle effect is spawned that indicates how well the note was hit.

Extra Features:

  • Moved down the note line threshold to give the player a bit more time to react. 
  • Replaced the colors of some notes to avoid confusion.

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